
Got fired for “no reason given”. This has to stop.

I was an operations manager at a busy hotel. I was Ops for almost 2 years. I got promoted after 8 months of front desk only and loved my job. It was demanding and I had to cover shifts constantly. I sacrificed all my free time to make sure I was available. My front desk supervisor, who has issues, called out over 50 times in the almost 2 years. I covered every single shift. I would routinely work night audit (11p-7a) and then run breakfast 6:30a-9:30a. I would run housekeeping during our 4 separate times of not having a head housekeeper. All while making sure we had enough laundry. We failed our first brand inspection last year and I worked tirelessly to make the hotel perfect for this years. Which was 2 weeks ago. I worked 10 hours to count all the linens in the hotel then came back to…

I was an operations manager at a busy hotel. I was Ops for almost 2 years. I got promoted after 8 months of front desk only and loved my job.
It was demanding and I had to cover shifts constantly. I sacrificed all my free time to make sure I was available.
My front desk supervisor, who has issues, called out over 50 times in the almost 2 years. I covered every single shift. I would routinely work night audit (11p-7a) and then run breakfast 6:30a-9:30a.
I would run housekeeping during our 4 separate times of not having a head housekeeper. All while making sure we had enough laundry.
We failed our first brand inspection last year and I worked tirelessly to make the hotel perfect for this years. Which was 2 weeks ago.
I worked 10 hours to count all the linens in the hotel then came back to work night audit the very same night then had to stay til 1 pm the next day to see the inspection through. Which we passed with a 95%.
I got all sorts of praises for my hard work. This past Sunday 6 out of 7 housekeepers called out (getting people to work weekends was a chore in itself). So the inspector and myself cleaned 25 rooms to make sure we had enough for arrivals and a few extra to sell.
I came in the next morning and was called into the new gm’s office. Our old gm quit because it was too much.
The gm told me the company was going in a new direction and that meant that I was to be let go effective immediately.

I was flabbergasted. The reason they gave me was “their is no reason, we won’t fight you on unemployment.”
They gave me my final check and I collected my things and left.

I have never been so disrespected in my entire life. I missed so many important family events and life events.
I worked 16 hours on Christmas twice to make sure my front desk agents could be with their kids.

This fire for nothing culture needs to stop. My mental health is ruined right now. How can I ever trust another employer to not just fire me for nothing? I had called out once at that job. And I had the flu…
I slipped and fell and dislocated my knee cap and still stayed for the day after going to the er.
This doesn’t make any sense? How are we still considered a first world country?

Anyways. I have a lot of skills from this position and want to see what other jobs I could do. Any suggestions?

TL;DR was a model employee and got fired for “no reason given”

Update: I found out they hired a friend of the gm from the sister property right next door. She was hired 2 weeks ago for part time night audit. And she was given my job yesterday. She worked there when I first started but quit unexpectedly after a mental issue. She’s a nice person and I wish her the best.

Thank you for all the support. And for the 30+ comments saying “companies don’t care about workers”, I know that. I cared about my workers, and I thought maybe just maybe I would garner the same respect. I was wrong.

This sub is a giant support group of the broken and the damned when it comes to corporate greed.
We need to find a rallying point to take this to the corporations, one giant workers union that encompasses all workers from all fields. I am sick of reading other stories of people getting fucked over, and no one pays the piper.

We can’t sit idle and watch good people like us get drug threw the mud. It won’t stop until we make it stop.

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