
Got fired for not attending a meeting i wasnt invited to

Written on phone, so I apologise for formatting. I worked as a chatmoderator for live tournaments, meaning i chat and inform and hyped up events, essentially. I was new at the job, and had only worked 6 shifts before we had a big episode. It was a big deal for the Company and I was going to be the main host. I was told to be in a call with a couple other people. I knew the name of the call since it's a reoccuring thing, but I told them i hadnt been invited to that yet. She told me i would get an invite and the meeting would begin 5 min before the live show started. Well, I never got the invite. I had everything up and ready long before the liveshow, and was seen as online the whole time. I just assumed I would get the invite while…

Written on phone, so I apologise for formatting.

I worked as a chatmoderator for live tournaments, meaning i chat and inform and hyped up events, essentially.
I was new at the job, and had only worked 6 shifts before we had a big episode. It was a big deal for the Company and I was going to be the main host.
I was told to be in a call with a couple other people. I knew the name of the call since it's a reoccuring thing, but I told them i hadnt been invited to that yet. She told me i would get an invite and the meeting would begin 5 min before the live show started.
Well, I never got the invite. I had everything up and ready long before the liveshow, and was seen as online the whole time. I just assumed I would get the invite while I was setting up the chat, but never got one. When I didn't, I assumed there was no meeting or that it wasnt important since I wasnt invited.

The rest of the liveshow went well, and afterwards i got compliments on how I responded in the chat etc.
But I got a question from my boss, asking why I wasnt in the meeting. I responded that I never received the invitation and asked if I misunderstood anything, but never got a reply.

After this, the rest of the shows went on, I never heard anything about it again and I thought I did well at my job. In fact, I spotted a big issue right before a live tournament and got a lot of praise for managing to spot it and getting it fixed in time.
On one day right before I got fired, I got asked again to join that meeting during a liveshow, and once again said I didn't have access and asked for an invite or a guideline to where I would get it. I was left on read.

Then, I was asked if I could attend a meeting about my contract the next day.
I ofcourse said yes, and went over my contract, wondering what it would be about. I thought it was a minor flaw, or that they wanted to extend my contract (as it is originally only out december but they had put me up through February on the sheets).

The meeting started off super positive, we were laughing and chatting casually, until she tells me she called me in because they were terminating my contract.
Of course i had a lot of questions, and the only thing she could point at was not being in that meeting, two weeks ago at that point.
I explained that I had asked for the invite and had gotten confirmation that I would receive it, and she overall kinda said.. that it didn't matter. Okay? I explained that I did everything i was told and that I couldn't be fired for not doing an impossible task. She again said she didn't think it muttered, but asked if I wanted her to talk to the bosses again and get more feedback, so of course I said to do that.

I'm so lost on how I could be fired over not being in a meeting i didn't have access to.
When I first mentioned it to the HR lady who fired me, she said “if it was me, I would tell them i didn't have access and ask for an invite”… YEAH I DID!

Sorry for the long rant.
Yes I have reached out to law firms.

TLDR: got asked to be in a meeting i didn't have access to. Two weeks later i get called into a meeting, and get fired over not being in that meeting.

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