
Got fired from first job for standing up for myself saying he didn’t communicate

I got fired bc I wasn't making pizza's fast enough. I only averaged 10 hours a week at this local pizza shop and missed some weeks due to me being 18 and still in high-school having to schedule days off for band. The owner said I never out effort in even though I usually work non-stop the whole shift. I told him if I'm not going fast enough he needs to tell me and he got pissed. He offered I don't work if I don't care about the job and I said “If you're gonna be a slob about it I don't wanna work here”. His son usually manages me (he's in his 30s). He would always joke about hitting me or how it's typical for me to mess up. I knew this job was suspicious especially since they never gave me contact info to the owner and whenever I…

I got fired bc I wasn't making pizza's fast enough. I only averaged 10 hours a week at this local pizza shop and missed some weeks due to me being 18 and still in high-school having to schedule days off for band. The owner said I never out effort in even though I usually work non-stop the whole shift. I told him if I'm not going fast enough he needs to tell me and he got pissed. He offered I don't work if I don't care about the job and I said “If you're gonna be a slob about it I don't wanna work here”. His son usually manages me (he's in his 30s). He would always joke about hitting me or how it's typical for me to mess up. I knew this job was suspicious especially since they never gave me contact info to the owner and whenever I asked my coworkers schedule questions they always seemed confused bc it's not their job. The worst part is I never actually have seen him in person until I got fired. Nobody ever told me to go faster, I was never even told a pace to go. So I just denied the second chance he gave me, especially after he said I wouldn't make it in another job the way I worked. But he's bullshitting bc 1, I had comments from a few older coworkers saying I was a steady and hard worker, and 2 I know my family and friends don't have to put much effort into their part time jobs.

I just hope he actually gives my tips and last paycheck he owes me. Never think a local business is any less exploitive of their workers. His son was weird anyways saying most modern women don't treat men right and brings up how therapist enables trans people “mental illness”. All I know is I'm kinda proud of myself for calling him a slob after he and his son have been assholes to me. Not to mention he intentionally cut my hours these last few weeks and as I said I'm busy and don't have his contact info and told him I was gonna bring it up when I actually had the opportunity. Anyways thank god that miserable jobs over with. On to one that pays better.

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