
Got fired from my internship yesterday

I am a 20 year old college student taking a gap semester, largely for financial and mental health reasons. I found a paid internship at an organic farm – housing as well as a small food stipend is provided – and thought it would be an interesting a beneficial experience, as I’m currently studying environmental science and sustainable agriculture. I have no prior farming experience, besides a few days working for a couple hours at the farm on my college campus, and I made my boss very aware of this. He said it wouldn’t be an issue because he hires people with no experience all the time. About two weeks into working here, he told me he needed me to be quicker with the work I was doing. He seemed fairly annoyed with me, which is fair enough, I guess, but it was only my second week there, and I…

I am a 20 year old college student taking a gap semester, largely for financial and mental health reasons. I found a paid internship at an organic farm – housing as well as a small food stipend is provided – and thought it would be an interesting a beneficial experience, as I’m currently studying environmental science and sustainable agriculture.

I have no prior farming experience, besides a few days working for a couple hours at the farm on my college campus, and I made my boss very aware of this. He said it wouldn’t be an issue because he hires people with no experience all the time. About two weeks into working here, he told me he needed me to be quicker with the work I was doing. He seemed fairly annoyed with me, which is fair enough, I guess, but it was only my second week there, and I was still adjusting to the work. Given that I have never farmed before, I feel like a learning curve was to be expected.

I made a conscious effort to work faster. It seemed fine for a couple weeks, and in terms of numbers and speed I was performing on the same level as the other intern who had already been there for a couple months. This was until a couple days ago, when I started getting reprimanded for things that had never been mentioned to me before as issues. Not weeding fast enough, not washing things fast enough, etc. Today, he said he needed to have a talk with me, and fired me on the spot. I’ve been given some time to figure out how I’m getting home (I live in another state) and get my things together, but I’m so taken aback. My boss just said he didn’t think it was a good fit, and when pushed for specifics he wouldn’t provide any.

Now I have to go through the trouble of finding a new job so I can continue working until I return to school in January and also pay for a plane ticket home. I know I worked hard and I honestly feel disrespected. I work nearly 10 hour days for 8 dollars an hour and he thinks I’m not putting in enough work.. I feel guilty about being angry but I feel like my reaction is at least somewhat justified. Thoughts?

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