
Got fired from Nike for literally doing my job.

I just have to get this out there because it’s been bothering me for a while now. So I worked at Nike doing manufacturing a couple years ago making the air souls, I worked 12 hour shifts in a fucking sweatshop. they told us if one of the machines (they call them Kiefels) goes down we have to go work at another kiefel to go help out. So that’s exactly what I did. My lead for my kiefel didn’t speak very good English. I told him where I was going. He said okay. I went over to kiefel 12 but nobody was over there, so I went to 11 which was literally right next to where I said I would be. It’s also an open floor plan and it was less than 10 feet from where I said I’d be. I tried to go back to my lead to let…

I just have to get this out there because it’s been bothering me for a while now. So I worked at Nike doing manufacturing a couple years ago making the air souls, I worked 12 hour shifts in a fucking sweatshop. they told us if one of the machines (they call them Kiefels) goes down we have to go work at another kiefel to go help out. So that’s exactly what I did. My lead for my kiefel didn’t speak very good English. I told him where I was going. He said okay. I went over to kiefel 12 but nobody was over there, so I went to 11 which was literally right next to where I said I would be. It’s also an open floor plan and it was less than 10 feet from where I said I’d be. I tried to go back to my lead to let him know there was nobody in 12 but he wasn’t there so I went to kiefel 11 and started working. About 45 minutes later someone said they were looking for me so I go back to my kiefel, we were still down in my area so I stood there. My manager came by and started questioning where I was. I told him where I was. He pulled me into the office and told me that they’re giving me an occurrence for taking off. They said they had security looking for me. I was literally right around the corner from where I originally was and even let my lead know where I was going. Anyways, next day I show up to work, I worked 30 minutes before they pulled me into the office and said I was fired for leaving and not telling anybody. They even had security escort me out of the building. I was devastated because I had never been fired from a job before. I literally got fired for doing my job. I’ve lost so much respect for Nike after working for them. They are incredibly strict and treat their employees like robots. They don’t even care about their employees, they only care about their numbers.

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