
Got fired. Should I negotiate the severance package?

I got laid off on Monday effective immediately. They sent me a termination letter stating that I will get 2 weeks of pay. I looked it up only found information through one source ( It seems like it was a mass firing event and everyone got offered only 2 weeks of pay no matter their tenure. Although I'm not sure how reliable this source is. So I was wondering if it's worth it to try to negotiate my severance package and how I should negotiate it?

I got laid off on Monday effective immediately. They sent me a termination letter stating that I will get 2 weeks of pay.

I looked it up only found information through one source ( It seems like it was a mass firing event and everyone got offered only 2 weeks of pay no matter their tenure. Although I'm not sure how reliable this source is.

So I was wondering if it's worth it to try to negotiate my severance package and how I should negotiate it?

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