
Got fired today…

And I couldn't be happier. I hated that job so much. 90% of it was sitting at my desk monitoring emails and 10% was doing actual work. I was so incredibly bored every day. They fired me because one job was done late and someone had to pay for it. After saving the company a lot of money by switching vendors and streamlining the intake process for them. One little slip up and boom I'm gone. F them. I literally just finished my degree last week. Now I get to sit comfortable on unemployment benefits while I take time to find a job I actually want to do. Best thing that could have happened to me.

And I couldn't be happier. I hated that job so much. 90% of it was sitting at my desk monitoring emails and 10% was doing actual work. I was so incredibly bored every day.

They fired me because one job was done late and someone had to pay for it. After saving the company a lot of money by switching vendors and streamlining the intake process for them. One little slip up and boom I'm gone. F them.

I literally just finished my degree last week. Now I get to sit comfortable on unemployment benefits while I take time to find a job I actually want to do. Best thing that could have happened to me.

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