
Got fired today and not sure if I’m happy or upset

I have been working for this company for almost 6 years. They recently laid off about 7000 employees. During the layoffs, someone asks for the groups of people being effected. I posted that info, without realizing it was against company policy. I posted on a private group that only had employees in there. This was back in May. In July, I was brought into HR about the incident. I immediately removed the post, told them I honestly didn’t think it was against policy, and I didn’t do it to make the company look bad. Well, today, they decided I was in the wrong and fired me. I’m trying not to stress. I’m happy I’m away from that toxic environment. I won’t make what I was but my mental health will be better. I hope I can get unemployment but I’m not holding my breath. I don’t know if I want…

I have been working for this company for almost 6 years. They recently laid off about 7000 employees. During the layoffs, someone asks for the groups of people being effected. I posted that info, without realizing it was against company policy. I posted on a private group that only had employees in there. This was back in May. In July, I was brought into HR about the incident. I immediately removed the post, told them I honestly didn’t think it was against policy, and I didn’t do it to make the company look bad.

Well, today, they decided I was in the wrong and fired me. I’m trying not to stress. I’m happy I’m away from that toxic environment. I won’t make what I was but my mental health will be better.

I hope I can get unemployment but I’m not holding my breath. I don’t know if I want to continue in this line of business or go for something else.

That’s all, thanks for listening. I just needed to vent to someone.

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