
Got hired at a tutoring company but my hours are severely cut. Can I apply for unemployment? (california)

I got a job at a tutoring company that pays well, but has extremely limited hours. much less than what was advertised. theyve promised me more hours for 2 months now and they are not coming through. I understand summer break is happening, but I was still given summer school work last month. I had to beg for those. they promised plenty of hours now that it is august, but their latest email now says mid september is more accurate. they have given me nothing since july. I work another job and run a small business, but all that is not enough to pay for living right now. I was paycheck to paycheck, but now it's just paycheck to . can I apply for unemployment for not getting hours? this all feels like a sick joke. (PS, yes I am looking for another job. i have a degree and am…

I got a job at a tutoring company that pays well, but has extremely limited hours. much less than what was advertised. theyve promised me more hours for 2 months now and they are not coming through. I understand summer break is happening, but I was still given summer school work last month. I had to beg for those. they promised plenty of hours now that it is august, but their latest email now says mid september is more accurate.

they have given me nothing since july. I work another job and run a small business, but all that is not enough to pay for living right now. I was paycheck to paycheck, but now it's just paycheck to . can I apply for unemployment for not getting hours? this all feels like a sick joke.

(PS, yes I am looking for another job. i have a degree and am hoping the next places i apply will at least have the decency to respond).

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