
Got hired in foreign country, turned out company was almost bankrupt, after one-year contract expired, got two part-time contracts in same group and now can’t quit because of shitty contract conditions.

Basically what the title says. Got hired by a company, that’s part of a bigger group in South Europe. I’m from Central Europe originally and work in a niche industry and wanted to keep working in that specific industry, so had to move country. When I applied for the job they invited me to come down, gave me a tour through the group premises (different companies all located in the same region more or less) and bullshitted me on how great everything was going, how many products they have pre-ordered, that’s why they need to expand and want to hire more international people etc. Fast-forward to after I arrive, turns out company is broke af, we can’t pay invoices, stop production, people’s contracts don’t get renewed. They ask me to start helping out in one of the other companies that’s actually doing well but is operating in an entirely different…

Basically what the title says. Got hired by a company, that’s part of a bigger group in South Europe. I’m from Central Europe originally and work in a niche industry and wanted to keep working in that specific industry, so had to move country. When I applied for the job they invited me to come down, gave me a tour through the group premises (different companies all located in the same region more or less) and bullshitted me on how great everything was going, how many products they have pre-ordered, that’s why they need to expand and want to hire more international people etc. Fast-forward to after I arrive, turns out company is broke af, we can’t pay invoices, stop production, people’s contracts don’t get renewed. They ask me to start helping out in one of the other companies that’s actually doing well but is operating in an entirely different industry. After my 1-year-contract expired, they offered me 2 part-time contracts; 50% at the bankrupt company (in the meantime they changed mgmt and want to rebuild the company but can’t afford me fulltime) and 50% at that other company. Again 1-year-contracts for both companies. After I signed they started taking away benefits (I was bringing my dog to the bankrupt company, new mgmt doesn’t allow dogs in the office), ask me to work weekends (paid but still, I don’t want to work weekends) and snoop on my private life (I started dating a co-worker, who works in the same group, not same company, the HR lady who’s in charge for HR stuff at my company, found out and spread the rumor). Anyways, I started applying for remote jobs and might have an opportunity to work with this new company, now it turns out from a legal perspective I need an agreement with the employer to terminate the contracts before the expiration date. The HR lady causes a lot of problems to everyone, so I doubt she would agree to terminate the contract. What could I do/say to increase my chances of getting an agreement to leave the group? I was sexually harassed and have proof of it but that’s already almost a year ago, so I don’t think I could argue on this now. Any other ideas?

TL;DR: Signed two part-time 1 year contracts in foreign country and need an agreement with HR to leave the contracts prior to expiration date. HR is known to cause problems. How can I get away?

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