
Got invited to a “one-way interview” and it pissed me off, so I kindly told them to fuck off

This was for a part time position at a college doing some coordination work. I have a master's degree and was frankly overqualified for the position. Subjecting me to a one way interview felt very patronizing and disrespectful as it was important for me to assess fit on my terms as well. I was particularly annoyed by how I was only allowed one take to record my response. Like why? I had many choice words for them but had to restrain myself.

This was for a part time position at a college doing some coordination work. I have a master's degree and was frankly overqualified for the position. Subjecting me to a one way interview felt very patronizing and disrespectful as it was important for me to assess fit on my terms as well. I was particularly annoyed by how I was only allowed one take to record my response. Like why? I had many choice words for them but had to restrain myself.

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