I’ll give you a little bit of background info but mainly just wanted to vent a little bit about getting laid off.
I’ve been working as a manager for the same company for 14 years (started off in a different role but I’ve essentially been the primary manager for the last 8 years or so). It’s an incredibly high-stress roll and I’ve been juggling with anxiety and depression for the last few years. I ended up having a suicide attempt back in April of this year. Spent a few weeks in a mental health facility after that (I had plenty of Annual Leave stored up because I hardly ever take holidays). After coming out of the facility I made an agreement with the boss that I would take my Long Service Leave (10 weeks paid leave) and get myself mentally stable before I returned to work…
After 4 weeks the boss asked me to return as he wasn’t coping well without me being there. I agreed to return with a few boundaries to reduce my stress that both parties agreed to. It didn’t take long for these boundaries to be ignored by the Boss and the stress quickly mounted back up again which resulted in me having another suicide attempt in early July. I spent the following 3 weeks in a Mental Health Facility (again, had plenty of holiday pay to cover this) and I wasn’t checking my e-mails whilst I was in the facility. When I got home from the facility I was shocked to have received an e-mail from my now former boss who said he needed a manager that would be more mentally stable and reliable…
I don’t think my mental health is my former employer’s responsibility, and I also understand that they have a business to run but I just feel I have been shown no compassion whatsoever, when for the last 14 years I’ve shown them incredibly loyalty and hardly even taken a sick day let alone holidays. I’m not wondering if AITA, mainly just wanted to vent…
TL;DR – I was with my former employer for 14 years, hardly took any holidays and was fired for being “unreliable” after 2 suicide attempts. Despite agreed up boundaries were broken by them after returning to work early after the first attempt