
Got laid off and I only knew about it because of my work friend

So I found the best job I had ever had since I got to work with kids (my passion, I had a shit childhood, I love helping out kids who remind me of myself at their age) this was the first time in years that I came into work hopeful, didn't dread every minute, felt important, actually gave it my all (very against my code, I only ever do the bare minimum to not be fired and to not hinder my fellow coworkers who also just need to get by) And turns out, they last minute decide to cut the department I was the lead for, and the only reason I got any notice that wasn't the exact same day, is I was lucky enough to befriend a girl that works the opposite schedule shift as me in that same department So I called my boss and he confirmed it…

So I found the best job I had ever had since I got to work with kids (my passion, I had a shit childhood, I love helping out kids who remind me of myself at their age) this was the first time in years that I came into work hopeful, didn't dread every minute, felt important, actually gave it my all (very against my code, I only ever do the bare minimum to not be fired and to not hinder my fellow coworkers who also just need to get by)

And turns out, they last minute decide to cut the department I was the lead for, and the only reason I got any notice that wasn't the exact same day, is I was lucky enough to befriend a girl that works the opposite schedule shift as me in that same department

So I called my boss and he confirmed it

I know bosses are shit and I didn't expect the world of him, but up until this point he was so chill, not just in words, but he outright did shit — from using his own money to give us all a nice meal and fuck with our time cards so we could get paid for the extra long break, to driving us home or driving other coworkers out of jail when they needed it — i thought he really proved himself to be a decent person

But when it came to my entire life — he knew personally how much I was struggling even with this job — he just wasn't gonna bother to do the absolute bare minimum and give me a heads up that I was about to be completely fucked, and all that hard work and coming in early was for absolutely nothing

Wish me luck in not being homeless I guess

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