
Got laid off today and I’m pissed

I am at a complete loss for words right. My boss let me go today and I honestly have no idea why. He didn’t give me any good reasons and even said I was doing a great job and brought up all the good accomplishments I did with the company. (So why am I being let go?) I’ve been with this company for a year now and the person who was training me never wanted to show me how to do the harder projects of what was suppose to be my job. I’ve gone to this person multiple times asking for him to give me those projects but he just kept telling me it would be easier for him to do it since he knew how. He then went to my boss this week and complained how overwhelmed he was feeling and my boss asked him why he hasn’t been…

I am at a complete loss for words right. My boss let me go today and I honestly have no idea why. He didn’t give me any good reasons and even said I was doing a great job and brought up all the good accomplishments I did with the company. (So why am I being let go?)

I’ve been with this company for a year now and the person who was training me never wanted to show me how to do the harder projects of what was suppose to be my job. I’ve gone to this person multiple times asking for him to give me those projects but he just kept telling me it would be easier for him to do it since he knew how. He then went to my boss this week and complained how overwhelmed he was feeling and my boss asked him why he hasn’t been giving me those projects and he pretty much told my boss that I didn’t know how and that he didn’t want to train me on it.

I feel like I wasn’t even given a fucking chance. I told my boss I was willing to learn and that I even asked for these bigger projects but he told me it’s too late and that I should have been trained for it from the very beginning.

How was that my fucking fault. I kept asking to be trained and never got the opportunity.

I feel like this was such a backstab. The person training me was a good friend. We’ve hung out before and he started to become good friends with my bf.

I am just so confused because I really don’t know what I could have done to avoid this?

Everyone in the office seemed so surprised too and kept telling me I did a great job and how organized and how I was on top of everything. The only person that didn’t seemed surprised was my trainer so I have a feeling he knew I was going to get let go.

I feel like I got screwed over. Like wtf I wasn’t even given a chance to learn because someone else did not want to delegate certain tasks to me.

I’m going to go cry now and eat a whole bucket of ice-cream.

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