
Got let go

I was working for a large corporate company (sales, USA) for 7 years and just got let go. I put my blood, sweat, and many tears into this company and let them walk all over me. The saying is true: “the reward for hard work is more hard work.” I was meeting my numbers and absolutely crushed it this last quarter. My directors praised me and my clients loved me. It was a shock to myself and other coworkers that they let me go. I consider myself a perfectionist, so this layoff was a huge kick to my face. I moved across the country at the beginning of this year to get out of a toxic relationship, lost my brother to drugs, moved back across the country to be with my family, had to put my sweet dog down suddenly, and had a miscarriage all within the span of a…

I was working for a large corporate company (sales, USA) for 7 years and just got let go. I put my blood, sweat, and many tears into this company and let them walk all over me. The saying is true: “the reward for hard work is more hard work.” I was meeting my numbers and absolutely crushed it this last quarter. My directors praised me and my clients loved me. It was a shock to myself and other coworkers that they let me go. I consider myself a perfectionist, so this layoff was a huge kick to my face. I moved across the country at the beginning of this year to get out of a toxic relationship, lost my brother to drugs, moved back across the country to be with my family, had to put my sweet dog down suddenly, and had a miscarriage all within the span of a few months. My heart has been in pieces.

All I can say is that I’ve never felt more alive since I got let go, which surprised me at first. The mental & physical stress has completely vanished, I’m able to sleep, I’m able to eat again. This once adderall-induced zombie is now free of the toxic work culture that I slaved away for, for years. My mental health and physical health was deteriorating right before my eyes and I pushed myself to the point of almost being hospitalized a few times for not eating, drinking water, or sleeping because of the stress and anxiety from my job. I wish I could go back and hug my past myself and tell him everything will be okay, because it will. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.

If you’re struggling with work and absolutely hate your life because of it, please know you’re not alone. Your mental health is SO important, more than anything else. I wish I had learned this lesson sooner and left the company. I know quitting isn’t an option for most people, and of course being laid off is horrible. But no job is worth making you feel this way. Hang in there & know you’re worth more than your job. There is a brighter side to the dark times & I’m rooting for you.

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