
Got let go? The person who let you go probably won’t even remember your name.

So I was asked to attend an “update” meeting today with about an hour's notice. My company sold itself out to another company in the past year. Today, my role's management structure was gutted. The woman from the company now managing mine told us that she ran the numbers and my management chain and the management chain at their company was duplicative. Ok, sure, I wasn't surprised. I expected this from day one of this situation. Next, she shared that [first name] had exited stage left today. Ok. Fine And then… “And there were two more. I should have written down their names.” Leaving the one person left in my management chain to tell the rest of us who had been let go, because the person from the management company……..couldn't even be bothered to remember the names of the people she let go today. Yep, I'm just THRILLED to work…

So I was asked to attend an “update” meeting today with about an hour's notice. My company sold itself out to another company in the past year. Today, my role's management structure was gutted.

The woman from the company now managing mine told us that she ran the numbers and my management chain and the management chain at their company was duplicative. Ok, sure, I wasn't surprised. I expected this from day one of this situation.

Next, she shared that [first name] had exited stage left today. Ok. Fine

And then…

“And there were two more. I should have written down their names.”

Leaving the one person left in my management chain to tell the rest of us who had been let go, because the person from the management company……..couldn't even be bothered to remember the names of the people she let go today.

Yep, I'm just THRILLED to work for her.

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