
Got money after i got fired but it’s weird

So basically i was an intern for a company that ended my contract after one month and a half and they told me that they will still pay me on my last month (October) and i got paid as they promised so in November my parent sent me money to survive while I’m actively looking for a job. And now i went to check my online bank account to see if i got my parents money to pay rent and suddenly i see that i received money from the company i used to intern in. My question is can i keep it ? Because im afraid if i dont tell my ex boss i may get sued ? Can i get sued if i choose to keep it ? Ps : the internship agreement was originally 6 months

So basically i was an intern for a company that ended my contract after one month and a half and they told me that they will still pay me on my last month (October) and i got paid as they promised so in November my parent sent me money to survive while I’m actively looking for a job. And now i went to check my online bank account to see if i got my parents money to pay rent and suddenly i see that i received money from the company i used to intern in. My question is can i keep it ? Because im afraid if i dont tell my ex boss i may get sued ? Can i get sued if i choose to keep it ?

Ps : the internship agreement was originally 6 months

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