
Got my partner a job but she may quit soon – will this jeapordize me?

my partner is transitioning out of a manager position where she is working 50-60 hour work weeks. I am getting her a job at my workplace for 30 hours a week at the same rate so she can have more time to relax. They've already asked her to come do a working interview. She is also applying for a gig in something she loves to do: photography. If she gets that job, I'm wondering if her leaving will affect my standing at the job. Will it make me seem like I am not reliable? In that I recommended her for a position she couldn't keep? I want this for her and I want her to go for this other gig that it what she is passionate about.

my partner is transitioning out of a manager position where she is working 50-60 hour work weeks. I am getting her a job at my workplace for 30 hours a week at the same rate so she can have more time to relax. They've already asked her to come do a working interview.

She is also applying for a gig in something she loves to do: photography. If she gets that job, I'm wondering if her leaving will affect my standing at the job. Will it make me seem like I am not reliable? In that I recommended her for a position she couldn't keep? I want this for her and I want her to go for this other gig that it what she is passionate about.

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