
Got my promotion taken away AGAIN

Alright so, I've been working at a factory for about 4 months now. They are unionized and the union decided to use a damn seniority system for EVERYTHING (and I do mean everything), they also do pay based on Grades or Tier (1 being lowest, 5 highest aside from maintenence or supervisor), currently I am tier 3 and have been absolutely killing it in multiple departments since I started because I cam from way harder factory work, I even set new records for how many parts being run without meaning to (to me, it's super simple and easy work). Now a month ago, a machine operator position came up, it is Tier 5, the team there asked for me to be put into the position, my supervisor agreed if nobody else wanted it in that department. Well, there was a guy that started 1 week before me, that worked on…

Alright so, I've been working at a factory for about 4 months now. They are unionized and the union decided to use a damn seniority system for EVERYTHING (and I do mean everything), they also do pay based on Grades or Tier (1 being lowest, 5 highest aside from maintenence or supervisor), currently I am tier 3 and have been absolutely killing it in multiple departments since I started because I cam from way harder factory work, I even set new records for how many parts being run without meaning to (to me, it's super simple and easy work). Now a month ago, a machine operator position came up, it is Tier 5, the team there asked for me to be put into the position, my supervisor agreed if nobody else wanted it in that department. Well, there was a guy that started 1 week before me, that worked on a DIFFERENT line that decided he wanted it, so he got it. Cool, whatever. This week, he got fired, so it was opened again and tonight I decided to ask my supervisor “Hey since ______ got fired, I'm next on line, so could I start training this week or next week?” He said he had to ask everyone again, even though they said they didn't want it before. One woman who dislikes me decided she wanted it which already left a sour taste in my mouth, but 30 minutes later she decided against it. So here I am, the most senior in the dept, with the most experience in factories, and with experience specifically operating complicated machinery. A dude that started TWO WEEKS AGO said he wanted the position to. My supervisor told us to each pick a number between 1 and 10. He picked 7, I went 3, the number was 8 so he got it and starts tomorrow. Even though, before I lost the spot because seniority, now I lost it because of shit luck. I'm fucking fuming and there's nothing I can even do about it!

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