
Got my second write up and feeling so defeated

If you check my post history I've been posting and commenting about my current position a bit over the past couple weeks. The last two days I called out sick because I was feeling sick. And today when I came in my manager (formerly the director of our department and was very light touch back then, before my real manager quit for another position) wrote me up a second time due to attendance issues. To be fair, I've had 17 outs through this year, their policy is no more than 3 outs per quarter, so no more than 12 per year. I understand that's the policy, but I have my reasons and I think lots of you would be pretty understanding. What gets to me is that in the year and several months worth of time that I've worked here, I've taken on a ton of additional responsibility as staffing…

If you check my post history I've been posting and commenting about my current position a bit over the past couple weeks. The last two days I called out sick because I was feeling sick. And today when I came in my manager (formerly the director of our department and was very light touch back then, before my real manager quit for another position) wrote me up a second time due to attendance issues. To be fair, I've had 17 outs through this year, their policy is no more than 3 outs per quarter, so no more than 12 per year. I understand that's the policy, but I have my reasons and I think lots of you would be pretty understanding.

What gets to me is that in the year and several months worth of time that I've worked here, I've taken on a ton of additional responsibility as staffing changes kept occuring. We had a 3yr employee quit back in October, and hired someone new in November who is extremely slow, not computer literate, and is on her phone quite a lot (I am too, but less than her. And typically I'm just answering texts and changing music, not browsing social media or anything) and she has had consistent praise. She rarely calls out which I suppose works on her favor.

One thing that burned me out a lot on this company recently was being given employee of the month, only I wasn't told for 3 months that I got it back in May, and when I finally did get the actual award they used my old last name. For context, I legally changed my name because I'm trans and don't want to associate myself with my old first and last name. They used the correct first name, but not the correct last name.

Also, even though my name has been legally changed and they're aware of that, my name in a lot of our systems still uses my old initials as well as my old last name, and I've asked several times for it to be corrected only for nothing to change. This is a complete aside from the super heavy workload and the constant pressure. I've gotten to the point where I'm nauseated every morning I wake up for work during the week, and I'm not eating very well. I have been applying since the beginning of this month, but I'm not really getting anywhere. I really want an accounting position that allows me to gain more skills, while also not having much customer service attached to it. I'm fine with vendor service, and prefer that.

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