
Got put on a PiP without my knowledge

I’ve been working for this company for over a year. Today, I just found out that I was put on a PiP 2 months ago. I had no clue about it until today. My direct supervisor didn’t know about it either. She was instructed to provide me support in a few specific ways. I completed those and took the initiative to complete some for the following weeks (lesson plans for sessions- I work in a healthcare related field). I was told that they looked good and that my sessions looked good. Today, I’m told that I don’t implement feedback, ask questions, and have been dismissive of a superior. I went for months without feedback and had 2 great reviews and now I’m not implementing feedback or asking questions or following through with things. I’m so confused and relayed my confusion to everyone at this meeting today. I was then asked…

I’ve been working for this company for over a year. Today, I just found out that I was put on a PiP 2 months ago. I had no clue about it until today. My direct supervisor didn’t know about it either. She was instructed to provide me support in a few specific ways. I completed those and took the initiative to complete some for the following weeks (lesson plans for sessions- I work in a healthcare related field). I was told that they looked good and that my sessions looked good.

Today, I’m told that I don’t implement feedback, ask questions, and have been dismissive of a superior. I went for months without feedback and had 2 great reviews and now I’m not implementing feedback or asking questions or following through with things. I’m so confused and relayed my confusion to everyone at this meeting today. I was then asked why I didn’t ask why I was completing these tasks. I was told that the tasks were to help support me and make me better. Why would I question them? I’ve also been told by multiple superiors that my sessions looked good and that I had some difficult clients on my caseload. In the meeting, I’m told that I couldn’t identify difficult clients. But I did. I was also told that if I didn’t notice I wasn’t doing well and was dismissive at times that I lack self awareness.

Again, I’m still processing this and am super confused. I love the company but now I feel uncomfortable. I feel like everything they said I don’t do, I already do for the most part. I also have an inkling that I am not the only one that has been put on PiP as one of my coworkers was also doing the lesson plans. I’m going to speak to my direct supervisor about it in more detail later this week. She was unable to attend the meeting due to scheduling. Any advice would be greatly appreciated in how I move forward and pass this thing.

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