
Got rescheduled again

I jumped through countless hoops for this business owner for a job that was blatantly misclassified as a 1099 contract position that in reality was just a business owner trying to avoid paying taxes. Application required writting a parapgraph long answer to about 35 questions, then film an “audition tape”. Then I had to “audition” and interview with the owner who stopped me in the middle of the interview to ask me if I had ADD because I wasnt making eye contact with her. The reason I wasnt making eye contact with her was because she was wearing sunglasses and typing on her laptop the whole time. Weeks go by, more phone interviews with the owner. Finally get to a point where they want to extend me an offer. I think an offer? I thought this was a 1099 job? Ok send over the offer letter. This offer letter stated…

I jumped through countless hoops for this business owner for a job that was blatantly misclassified as a 1099 contract position that in reality was just a business owner trying to avoid paying taxes.

Application required writting a parapgraph long answer to about 35 questions, then film an “audition tape”. Then I had to “audition” and interview with the owner who stopped me in the middle of the interview to ask me if I had ADD because I wasnt making eye contact with her. The reason I wasnt making eye contact with her was because she was wearing sunglasses and typing on her laptop the whole time. Weeks go by, more phone interviews with the owner. Finally get to a point where they want to extend me an offer.

I think an offer? I thought this was a 1099 job? Ok send over the offer letter.

This offer letter stated I would be paid $12/hr for training. Training? I thought i was a subcontractor? Isnt the very definition if a subcontract that I can use any and all methods I deem necessary to complete your requested task. It doesn’t mean you train me to the job the way you want an employee to do it.

The offer letter also stated that I agreed to allow the business to charge me $25 for every mistake they felt that I made during my scheduled working hours. Anything they deemed a mistake. Examples of mistakes were not given.

The letter included a clause stating that for a portion of my acedule I would be required to pay nearly $3 for every customer that wanted to sign up for my service. More on this later. *

The letter also included a 10 page non-disclosure agreement which is standard, however the nature of the job would make the non-disclosure unenforceable. Ill come back to this part latter.**

The best part of the offer letter was the 5 year Non-Compete agreement. Five fucking years. Oh and it was a worldwide agreement that excluded me from working in the industry in any capacity anywhere in the world for FIVE YEARS.

I hadnt signed anything and the owner scheduled a meeting with me for today to go over the paperwork, to answer any questions I might have and “onboard me”. This was after the meeting had already been rescheduled. I sent an email back saying today would work perfectly for me and that id bring hard copies of the documents to the meeting to sign and would just ask my questions at the meeting. This was met with a extremely condescending email about how busy she would be that day and that I need to send the questions over ahead of time because “she was extremely busy and would only have moments to spend with me at the meeting”. So I sent an email back with a couple basic questions last week and hadnt heard anything back.

I wrote her off the moment ai read that I would need to submit and audition tape for the job and then audition in person so I was checked out on all this weeks ago. Ive just kept up with the process with her this far because Im sick of employers and recruiters dicking people around like our time isnt as valuable as theirs is.

The meeting was scheduled for 5:15pm today and about an hour ago I got an email to cancel because her flight was delayed two hours and she just got back into town and just had so so much to do today and that shed call me later in the month to reschedule because she has to leave town until the 18th.

I just emailed her back: “No Need to Reschedule”

**This was for a job as a tour guide. A job in which historical facts are told to people. You know, proprietary information.

  • the company offers free walking tours. The guide is charged $3 per person that comes on the tour for “admin fees” unless these people tip you, you will owe money for every tour you host. If 100 people show up, youre fucked and now you owe the business $300 just to do the job.

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