
Got Screwed Over by a Hospital of all Places

Pretty peeved about it still. Was working for a psych hospital, and they have essentially screwed me over. There is a boss who has favorites, and I found out only during an HR meeting that we were not supposed to be doing our paperwork a certain way. I had already mentioned to them that I felt this boss didn’t exactly like me, which made me anxious, and that I felt he doesn’t communicate with me when I do something wrong. (He just goes silent, and then talks crap to his favorite employees about everybody and anybody who ticks him off. He’s even called patients a fuck up when they were asleep before.) The whole reason I was in this meeting is because this boss had photocopied my paperwork, which I did not know I wasn’t doing right, and sent it to the big boss. (Everybody had done it this way,…

Pretty peeved about it still.
Was working for a psych hospital, and they have essentially screwed me over.

There is a boss who has favorites, and I found out only during an HR meeting that we were not supposed to be doing our paperwork a certain way.

I had already mentioned to them that I felt this boss didn’t exactly like me, which made me anxious, and that I felt he doesn’t communicate with me when I do something wrong. (He just goes silent, and then talks crap to his favorite employees about everybody and anybody who ticks him off. He’s even called patients a fuck up when they were asleep before.)

The whole reason I was in this meeting is because this boss had photocopied my paperwork, which I did not know I wasn’t doing right, and sent it to the big boss. (Everybody had done it this way, including many of his favorites. Nobody ever had an issue with it or said it was wrong. I honestly think he did this because he got pissed off one night.)

Instead of having my back when I explained things, they offered me a second chance where I’d basically be fired the second I did anything wrong. They also tried to weaponize my anxiety.

I had told them that if I stayed, I’d prefer not to work with this boss because it makes me anxious.

They spun it, and tried to get me to say that I wasn’t a good fit for the job and that patients were making me anxious. I told them repeatedly that I am passionate about what I do, the work itself is fine, but it is just this boss. They kept on trying to reiterate and badger me into transferring or resigning.

So my options are go back and get canned over any minor error, under a boss who has already tried to get rid of me and doesn’t communicate, or to transfer to a job I’m not passionate about, or leave entirely.

For a facility that is supposed to support mental health, I have only worked with people who judge the patients, talk poorly about them, aside from a select few, and have done nothing but shame me for my own issues. Ones that don’t impact my work. I’m still pretty upset that I was impacted like that and nobody listened, and even tried to twist my words. I definitely will be transferring, then quitting shortly after I finish school to move on to better. But. Wow.

This isn’t the first story I’ve heard like this in healthcare either. It’s just the first that has happened to me. It’s like almost everybody I know in healthcare has a story about how vicious it has been to them. It is honestly depressing, but it’s so corrupt that I doubt it’ll ever entirely be about the patients. You want to think that staff goes in and cares, but then they’re more focused on gossip and talking shit on their employees and patients and working with the people that they want to work with.

They also care more about your rank/title than who you are as a person. Your ethics and work ethic don’t matter. Even if they should.

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