
Got served my notice after a year

Had a medical issue with my circulation and needed to come off some pretty heavy meds I was on , explained the situation to my boss and explained the side effects/ that I may struggle .. next day they gave me some BS about my performance (had absolutely nothing in writing at all for the last year ) and then took 90% of my workload away … sent me packing with 3 months pay .. surely if it was performance they would have just got rid ? (Uk) private sector Either way , nice easy 3 months in the sun , they were deeply unpleasant to work for

Had a medical issue with my circulation and needed to come off some pretty heavy meds I was on , explained the situation to my boss and explained the side effects/ that I may struggle .. next day they gave me some BS about my performance (had absolutely nothing in writing at all for the last year ) and then took 90% of my workload away … sent me packing with 3 months pay .. surely if it was performance they would have just got rid ? (Uk) private sector

Either way , nice easy 3 months in the sun , they were deeply unpleasant to work for

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