
Got talked to because my performance has dropped.

See title, what they forgot to include was that I've been handed a new member of staff with zero experience in our field (and on the spectrum) that I have to train, costing me about an hour a day, next to the co-workers I already had that still need their hands held after more than 8 years on the job. So yes, my actual output has dropped, but I've bene working more than should be needed because of the incompetence management has surrounded me with. And the concerns I've brought up with them have been brushed off as “we need to be inclusive”. Meaning I really had to answer the question “what size is that?” when they were asked to print something on 4×6″. SMH. And before people get on my back because of mentioning them being on the spectrum: I've had people with autism work for me before and…

See title, what they forgot to include was that I've been handed a new member of staff with zero experience in our field (and on the spectrum) that I have to train, costing me about an hour a day, next to the co-workers I already had that still need their hands held after more than 8 years on the job.

So yes, my actual output has dropped, but I've bene working more than should be needed because of the incompetence management has surrounded me with. And the concerns I've brought up with them have been brushed off as “we need to be inclusive”.

Meaning I really had to answer the question “what size is that?” when they were asked to print something on 4×6″. SMH.

And before people get on my back because of mentioning them being on the spectrum: I've had people with autism work for me before and that went great, it just that this individual really isn't suited for our line of work, but they fail to realize that themselves due to a severe case of the Dunning Kruger effect…

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