
Got the bad news today

My boss slacked me today and asked to bump our 1:1 to today – I didn’t think much of it as that’s not uncommon. Hop onto the call and there’s another person on the call I’ve never seen before. He introduced her as the person that handles some of our HR stuff. He then goes on to tell me that this is my last day and that it is not performance related, and asks if I have any questions. I’m a bit in shock, but manage to ask about, expenses, health insurance, and severance specifically. Lady says she will check about health insurance, and boss says I will get a ‘payout’ after equipment is shipped back. I got an email later saying payroll is being processed and it should hit my bank account tomorrow, and health insurance till end of the month. I asked to clarify about severance/payout and she…

My boss slacked me today and asked to bump our 1:1 to today – I didn’t think much of it as that’s not uncommon.

Hop onto the call and there’s another person on the call I’ve never seen before.

He introduced her as the person that handles some of our HR stuff.

He then goes on to tell me that this is my last day and that it is not performance related, and asks if I have any questions.

I’m a bit in shock, but manage to ask about, expenses, health insurance, and severance specifically.

Lady says she will check about health insurance, and boss says I will get a ‘payout’ after equipment is shipped back.

I got an email later saying payroll is being processed and it should hit my bank account tomorrow, and health insurance till end of the month.

I asked to clarify about severance/payout and she responded with another vague “you will get a payout once the equipment is shipped”.

They haven’t given me anything to sign. What should I do? Should I talk to a lawyer? Should I file for unemployment ASAP?

More details: I’m in CA. I’ve been working at this company for almost 11 months. While I’ve had heated arguments with my executive team, I’m not positive that was the reason I was let go. I know the company is struggling financially, so I assume it was that? I’m not certain…

On to the next soul-sucking job I guess..

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