
Got told to kill myself and management refuses to do anything, options?

Today I was scheduled 1pm-10pm, I work as a line cook. There's a new guy that I've been working with for the past week who is an asshole to everyone and refuses to do anything but put sauce on wings. Today I was working with him and on a separate station and noticed he was almost out of cooked wings in his hot box and said that he might want to drop more when he starts to get low and he said “I ain't gonna work my ass off kill yourself and leave me alone.” So naturally I calmly walk off the line and go tell the kitchen manager and the foh manager what just happened and they immediately went to defending the guy saying that that's a common thing people say. I have cptsd and was at this point in a complete mental health crisis so I went outside…

Today I was scheduled 1pm-10pm, I work as a line cook. There's a new guy that I've been working with for the past week who is an asshole to everyone and refuses to do anything but put sauce on wings. Today I was working with him and on a separate station and noticed he was almost out of cooked wings in his hot box and said that he might want to drop more when he starts to get low and he said “I ain't gonna work my ass off kill yourself and leave me alone.” So naturally I calmly walk off the line and go tell the kitchen manager and the foh manager what just happened and they immediately went to defending the guy saying that that's a common thing people say. I have cptsd and was at this point in a complete mental health crisis so I went outside and tried to work through the situation and come out on the other end in one piece. After 5 minutes kill yourself guy comes outside, sits right beside me, and goes to cussing me out telling me I'm lazy and don't do shit and he doesn't care if I'm mad he's not gonna do anything except put sauce on wings. Now I'm really fucked up in the head about all this so I again calmly go into the office with both the managers and close the door and tell them that I can't work with this guy anymore and that they need to do something, foh manager has the bright idea that he, after the rush (Sunday football rush lasts until at least 8 or 9 at night and it was around 5 at this point), will pull me and kill yourself guy aside together to talk it out. Naturally I tell him that there is no talking this out and that I can't work with dude anymore and he says that there is nothing him or the kitchen manager can do until the gm gets there at 8. Dude leaves at 8 and the gm doesn't get there until 11, I'm still there working because of how behind the crisis caused me to be and the gm walks in and when I tell him I need to talk to him he says he doesn't care and then tells me a few things I should've already done, all of which are things that were not my responsibility but I agree to doing one thing so he will listen to me, when I tell him what happened he said that there's nothing anyone can do about it after the fact. Midnight rolls around and I ask if I can leave since I stayed 2 hours late and he proceeds to tell me I'm not worth my wage because I won't stay any longer and some other shit that I didn't listen to because I just couldn't take anymore.

I'm sorry about the long post I just need to know if there is anything I can do in this situation to possibly get this guy some consequences while I'm looking for other jobs. I'm in Virginia by the way.

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