
“Greedy Work”

Claudia Goldin just won the Nobel Prize in Economics. She’s best known for her work on how Greedy Work limits equity and the advancement of women in the workplace. “Goldin argues for systemic workplace reforms rather than the hearts-and-minds type of change so often advocated by girlbosses, self-help writers, and corporate feminists. Goldin, refreshingly, rejects any Lean In–type advice as ‘quick-fix notions’ utterly unable to address the fact that our ‘work and care systems are relics of a past when only men had careers and families.’ Greedy work, to be blunt, assumes that the worker has a wife at home. It therefore forces one-half of many couples to, if not stay home full-time, then prioritize the domestic front, choosing less well-paid jobs that offer greater structure and flexibility so their partners can work whatever hours their bosses demand.” — The Gender Pay Gap Starts at Home: How the division of…

Claudia Goldin just won the Nobel Prize in Economics. She’s best known for her work on how Greedy Work limits equity and the advancement of women in the workplace.

“Goldin argues for systemic workplace reforms rather than the hearts-and-minds type of change so often advocated by girlbosses, self-help writers, and corporate feminists. Goldin, refreshingly, rejects any Lean In–type advice as ‘quick-fix notions’ utterly unable to address the fact that our ‘work and care systems are relics of a past when only men had careers and families.’ Greedy work, to be blunt, assumes that the worker has a wife at home. It therefore forces one-half of many couples to, if not stay home full-time, then prioritize the domestic front, choosing less well-paid jobs that offer greater structure and flexibility so their partners can work whatever hours their bosses demand.”

The Gender Pay Gap Starts at Home:
How the division of labor within couples is stopping women getting equal pay at work

(The New Republic)

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