
Grumpy senior devs

Anyone developers out there with tips on how to deal with grumpy senior devs? When you start a new job and there are 50 projects and databases you have to learn it’s just impossible to know everything like they do. Asking questions and not knowing things should not make them angry. That’s just experience they have gained regardless of skill. I just try to be professional as much as possible but it kind of ware’s on me emotionally.

Anyone developers out there with tips on how to deal with grumpy senior devs?

When you start a new job and there are 50 projects and databases you have to learn it’s just impossible to know everything like they do. Asking questions and not knowing things should not make them angry. That’s just experience they have gained regardless of skill.

I just try to be professional as much as possible but it kind of ware’s on me emotionally.

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