
Guilty when not working/leaving work

I have this weird feeling I get, hopefully I’m not alone on this lmao, but whenever I leave work/am not working I always get this feeling of guiltiness that I 1. Could’ve worked harder and 2. Should keep working late. It’s like I’m a part of the rat race, but rather than the material aspect of it it’s like it’s more of like I don’t wanna be a bum if that makes sense. Feelings of I wanna make money money money but also feelings of I wanna go the hell home, so today for ex. I got to leave early and entire way home I just felt like a piece of shit. I’m turning 22 this December, been learning carpentry since senior HS, and still I feel like I’m never doing enough or working hard enough towards my goals, yet everyday I’m pooped after work and just wanna be a…

I have this weird feeling I get, hopefully I’m not alone on this lmao, but whenever I leave work/am not working I always get this feeling of guiltiness that I 1. Could’ve worked harder and 2. Should keep working late. It’s like I’m a part of the rat race, but rather than the material aspect of it it’s like it’s more of like I don’t wanna be a bum if that makes sense. Feelings of I wanna make money money money but also feelings of I wanna go the hell home, so today for ex. I got to leave early and entire way home I just felt like a piece of shit. I’m turning 22 this December, been learning carpentry since senior HS, and still I feel like I’m never doing enough or working hard enough towards my goals, yet everyday I’m pooped after work and just wanna be a nerd and play some video games. Anyone else experience this? And if so, what do you do to help ease yourself?

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