
Guy in different department keeps trying to bully me out of taking my breaks

I work at a ski resort and we’ve been dealing with nonstop snow the past two weeks, so we’ve been working a ton to keep the place running. Last week, on hour seven of my ten hour shift, I took a small breather since I didn’t have time to take my half hour lunch that day from the crazy amount of work we had to do after a particularly bad storm and was legitimately exhausted from all the shoveling. A guy from a different department who “Never takes breaks” saw me and chastised me for not working. The first time I told him about how breaks are required in our state, and then kind of ignored it after. This morning, he again catches me on the one second I wasn’t explicitly working (but seemed to ignore me when I was breaking my ass five minutes earlier) and this time I…

I work at a ski resort and we’ve been dealing with nonstop snow the past two weeks, so we’ve been working a ton to keep the place running. Last week, on hour seven of my ten hour shift, I took a small breather since I didn’t have time to take my half hour lunch that day from the crazy amount of work we had to do after a particularly bad storm and was legitimately exhausted from all the shoveling. A guy from a different department who “Never takes breaks” saw me and chastised me for not working. The first time I told him about how breaks are required in our state, and then kind of ignored it after. This morning, he again catches me on the one second I wasn’t explicitly working (but seemed to ignore me when I was breaking my ass five minutes earlier) and this time I lose it and tell him off. The guy has no authority over me to tell me what to do, especially when our job is not only physically demanding, we work around heavy machinery so it can be dangerous (I even inured my shoulder half an hour later with a ski chair), and in my case get low blood sugar and need a snack and a small break on occasion to regain my footing. He ended up throwing out one of our break chairs in a rage (such an American thing to never want employees to sit) and I reported him to my ACTUAL supervisor. Thankfully, he seems to be on my side on this but the day isn’t over yet so who knows.

But I find it so infuriating that after I and others have been working our ass off during this hellish storm in really uncomfortable conditions some rando thinks he can police our work and our breaks when he’s not even in our department.

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