
Had a health emergency and boss was surprised I “disappeared” after I told her I was leaving, disappointed I didn’t let her know when I finally recovered after midnight.

I’ve been sick with an unknown neurological condition for like a year now, but it’s controlled enough that I can work reduced hours at my WFH job. The other day, I had a massive flare up with intense nerve pain and tremors. I’d been working for half the day before I called it quits (usually meds kick in after an hour and I can work, didn’t happen). Messaged my boss that I was having issues again (I’ve had this for a year) and needed to take the rest of the day off but that I was working to get a project to her asap before I did. I was being nice because I’d messed up the day before and boss had helped me out. I could barely type by that point because the tremors were so bad and had shooting pains in my leg. She told me the due date…

I’ve been sick with an unknown neurological condition for like a year now, but it’s controlled enough that I can work reduced hours at my WFH job. The other day, I had a massive flare up with intense nerve pain and tremors. I’d been working for half the day before I called it quits (usually meds kick in after an hour and I can work, didn’t happen). Messaged my boss that I was having issues again (I’ve had this for a year) and needed to take the rest of the day off but that I was working to get a project to her asap before I did. I was being nice because I’d messed up the day before and boss had helped me out. I could barely type by that point because the tremors were so bad and had shooting pains in my leg. She told me the due date for the project was moved back and I should go rest. Had me really thinking that she wasn’t so bad.
Took my backup meds which knock me out and I was basically gone until sometime past midnight. I noticed that I had a few messages, but it was the middle of the night and I was exhausted from 12+ hours of muscle spasms. Figured I’d check in the next morning. Welp, got a stern lecture from boss about how they had to scramble And she didn’t expect me to “disappear” and I should have messaged her as soon as I was better. That was midnight, I’m not pinging my team after midnight and told her so. She said I should do it anyway as their notifications would be off and they didn’t know what happened to me. That I need to communicate better next time. She didn’t expect me to be out for so long, and honestly I didn’t either. If I hadn’t known the ER would do nothing, I would have gone. A normal person would have. If I wasn’t broke from medical bills, I’d have left ages ago. The US is a hellscape.

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