
Had a nervous breakdown and quit on the spot now all my coworkers are scared of me when I walk past my old company. But I have lived in this neighborhood for years. And was wrong to tell my CFO off?

28F I live down the street from my job. I work in accounting. It's a very small company. I'm not perfect. I could be late sometimes. ( I have ADHD and it causes very poor sleep) I was 7 to 15 minutes late everyday. And I live down the street so that wasn't great. And I took an hour lunch and two tens. But I started to get there around 7-8 an hour or two before bc I know it looked bad. I have a coworker who I hung out with. She used so much information I gave her to get many of our coworkers in trouble. I didn't realize it because I was just telling her my work day and everything that happened that I told everyone else. I became friends with a tenant she wanted to move out because of rats. The property,sales, and maintenance manager no one…

28F I live down the street from my job. I work in accounting. It's a very small company. I'm not perfect. I could be late sometimes. ( I have ADHD and it causes very poor sleep) I was 7 to 15 minutes late everyday. And I live down the street so that wasn't great. And I took an hour lunch and two tens. But I started to get there around 7-8 an hour or two before bc I know it looked bad.

I have a coworker who I hung out with. She used so much information I gave her to get many of our coworkers in trouble. I didn't realize it because I was just telling her my work day and everything that happened that I told everyone else.
I became friends with a tenant she wanted to move out because of rats. The property,sales, and maintenance manager no one did anything about it. I was talking about it with the older woman coworker and she told the CFO again.

So the CFO is pissed and brings in replacements. So everyone is on edge. And I got moved to a corner in my property manager's office. I lost having a phone, printer, and draws that locks. I look at invoices all day and dozens of people are coming in and out of the office. I couldn't focus. I had no to regularly access calling vendors and I had nowhere to put checks.
The main accounting manager went on vacation so I didn't have alot to do after I was done. I would go home. I'm hourly. I make $25. All of my co-workers were so angry with me. All of my co-workers btw make over 100,000 and are salary. All genx who work during lunch periods.

They all started making fun of me behind my back. And the lady coworker who threw everyone under the bus would make fun of me too. And she started a rumor that I drink during work. Her and the sales manger were telling the new employees that there is something wrong with me. I was hearing this from tenants and a new employee .my coworkers became passive aggressive as well. The security guard got mad at me because he would touch me on my waist all the time and I just would stop coming near him and he turned on me.

Keep in mind. The sales manger doesn't answer any phones.6 months only one lease. The older lady interior designer refunded $2500 of the company money back to her card. The property manager is hiding law suits and not doing anything about rats. And the matience manger tells residents to pick up and clean other residents pets poop and pee because we just don't have enough staff on the weekend. (This is a starting rate $4500 a month apartment complex)
The building experienced a big boom of leases being signed. Bc of my idea the property manager stole credit for my ideas.

My dog got so sick bleeding out of her butt. I had to take her to the vet. I didn't want to call out because check runs were due. So I took the work laptop with me home and I worked in my car and at home. I didn't know that.

The accounting manager was there to fire the sales manager. And he was angry that he didn't know where I was at. The property manager pretended like he didn't know where I was. He does that all the time. Everyone does no one has ever called or texted me asking where I'm at either lol the CFO starts believing the narrative of crap by my coworkers.

I'm still a temp they promised me a permanent position and to move to the brand new office. It's been 3 months and that hasn't happened. Last week a girl called and asked to speak to the property manager the CFO told her not to tell anyone why she's calling. Then later I hear the assistant and main manger speaking about her starting next week. The main accountant isn't responding back to any of my emails. Even when I apologize for taking the company computer home. So I was like okay. It's over with. And I sent a message to the main account and the CFO saying that I'll stay until they train the new person.
So I'm incredibly stressed out and I made a minor mistake and because of that the property manager did too. I accidentally bought natural deodorant and it was 93° and where I live there's no air conditioning in older buildings.

I kept going to the bathroom to wipe myself down. But I got close to the property manager. But anyways he goes into another room and he literally says loudly an aggressively. You know what's the number? One important thing at this company having good hygiene B.O is not acceptable or okay. So I started crying and I went up to him and I said you know what. I obviously smell bad so I'm going to go home.

And I called and quit the next day cuz I knew I could no longer mask. The CFO in the controller wanted to know why I quit. And I got really drunk and I texted to CFO like 8 or 9 pages. And then the next day for brunch. I texted the CFO another 8 or 9 pages and at the end I accused him of trying to be sneaky and get rid of me too. And I said you all cause my anxiety. Why should I have to find out everything I do wrong from 3rd parties no one ever talks to me And I said that he was a snake and they're all snakes and it's a toxic work environment and when I see the residents around because I live right down the street I will tell them my truth and he asked me to stop texting him and says sorry. ( I never went to him for help bc of the power dynamics and some of my coworkers were friends with the owners). I feel bad for being mean to him.

I have always walked past the building for years to walk my dog and so has everybody else that lives in my building. My ex co-workers see me walking my dog and they're all on edge like I'm some crazy shooter. Keep in mind, I'm a 28F black female whose average height average weight. I'm pim. I'm regularly complimented for being beautiful by dozens of people throughout the week.

I wear pinks and purples dresses and I have never been angry or snapped at one person at this job. And all of them are mostly men who are 10 to 25 years older than me. I'm way younger than everyone.
I texted to CFO again to let him know I'm not upset and thank you for the opportunity and I just want to move on. But now it just makes me feel like I'm crazy. But I know I experience workplace bullying but I feel like my CFO and my main account think I'm crazy and I'm scared that they're going to like put a lawsuit on me or something. Maybe they weren't going to fire me and I jumped to conclusions????It's really upsetting.

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