
had an argument with my supervisor – what should I do next

I started working at this place since 2 years now. About a year ago I was given more responsibility, slowly the small tasks started pilling up and I had to work fast all the time and was always missing deadlines. I started to pick up a good pace and more was dumped into me. I tried to ask for a raise and that was rejected as I “was just doing my job”. Today I had an argument with my supervisor. They had previously stated (a month ago) that I was doing great and that the team looked great. Today I got yelled at for working “too slow”. I had been taking it easy as my list of tasks for the day was lighter than usual. The reprimand lasted 45min so I started to get emotional and answered back that I was working all day, I was there doing my daily…

I started working at this place since 2 years now. About a year ago I was given more responsibility, slowly the small tasks started pilling up and I had to work fast all the time and was always missing deadlines. I started to pick up a good pace and more was dumped into me. I tried to ask for a raise and that was rejected as I “was just doing my job”.

Today I had an argument with my supervisor. They had previously stated (a month ago) that I was doing great and that the team looked great. Today I got yelled at for working “too slow”. I had been taking it easy as my list of tasks for the day was lighter than usual.

The reprimand lasted 45min so I started to get emotional and answered back that I was working all day, I was there doing my daily tasks and that I was not gonna do more than that because if I was done early, new responsibility would get dumped onto me again.

Of course as soon as I said that, they reacted and added “oh so you are not working on purpose”. I tried to argue that one week of taking it easy was nothing compared to the past year where I was ALWAYS busy and was working unpaid overtime to catch up. They tried to blame my performance by saying if they would do it, it would get done in time and that me working overtime is my choice and a reflection of my poor time management.

What would you do at this point? Im just lost

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