
Had my first ever anxiety attack at work left early and called off today but I feel guilty

Hello all Long story short I handle several departments solely by myself,im paid well and all but if they were to put my responsibilities on a help wanted ad it would literally have to be filled by at least two people,yesterday I came into work to a massive work load across multiple departments,with each department head looking to me to solve there problems,I felt pressure on my chest and just had tears rolling down my cheeks,subconscious crying,never happened before,i was having problems breathing and after a brief talk with family they told me to leave,and take tomorrow off,so i did,however i don't know how to shake this feeling of guilt,like i am letting work down, im only 37, the money doesn't mean anything if i have a heart attack at 42, I know my mental health takes priority over a brick and mortar building.

Hello all
Long story short I handle several departments solely by myself,im paid well and all but if they were to put my responsibilities on a help wanted ad it would literally have to be filled by at least two people,yesterday I came into work to a massive work load across multiple departments,with each department head looking to me to solve there problems,I felt pressure on my chest and just had tears rolling down my cheeks,subconscious crying,never happened before,i was having problems breathing and after a brief talk with family they told me to leave,and take tomorrow off,so i did,however i don't know how to shake this feeling of guilt,like i am letting work down, im only 37, the money doesn't mean anything if i have a heart attack at 42, I know my mental health takes priority over a brick and mortar building.

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