
Had to call in from a flat tire got it fixed within 30 minutes but boss cancels me for today and threatens me for future “mistakes”

I work delivering auto parts my boss is part of a company that hires drivers for warehouses. We use our own cars and fuel reimbursement is laughable compared to what a gallon costs right now ($6 locally) especially based on the distances i drive. I’m driving to work when i noticed a flat, luckily it was right around the corner from a shop that will fix the tire for free if they can. When I arrive the guy says my tires are old and I need new ones but that he’ll see what he can do for the flat. I call in to work to let them know and immediately my boss insinuates im lying (haven’t been late or missed a day since i started). I tell him im hoping it’s a quick fix and i’ll be there in an hour at the latest. I call him back 20 minutes…

I work delivering auto parts my boss is part of a company that hires drivers for warehouses. We use our own cars and fuel reimbursement is laughable compared to what a gallon costs right now ($6 locally) especially based on the distances i drive. I’m driving to work when i noticed a flat, luckily it was right around the corner from a shop that will fix the tire for free if they can. When I arrive the guy says my tires are old and I need new ones but that he’ll see what he can do for the flat. I call in to work to let them know and immediately my boss insinuates im lying (haven’t been late or missed a day since i started). I tell him im hoping it’s a quick fix and i’ll be there in an hour at the latest. I call him back 20 minutes later to let him know i’m on the way as they were able to patch the tire and he said im canceled for today because “you said it’d take a long time and i needed coverage” which is absurd just because I know how things work there and it wouldn’t have been an issue had I not called and just showed up late. Maybe bitching about getting the day off is dumb but I can’t afford it (who can?) and it’s such an illogical move for something so minor that it seems punitive. I’m starting to look for something better and had planned on it anyway but it’s just a reminder how disposable people are as soon as they have any issue versus when they have a problem it’s your responsibility to jump through their hoop

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