
Had to clean shit 10 minutes into my shift.

For context I'm a Hotel Night Porter/receptionist. I work 11pm-7am, this evening upon entering the hotel I immediately spotted a homeless looking dude sitting in the lobby accompanied by a foul smell, I clocked in and asked the receptionist what the deal was (We have a pretty strict “if you're not staying here you can't just sit in the lobby” policy, but we do make exceptions if something has happened like a fight or somebody is lost). She tells me that he's been sat there for hours and I go get changed, come up and ask him to leave. As soon as he stood up the stench, oh god, the stench absolutely overpowered the lobby, this dude shit and pissed himself, ruining one of the chairs in the lobby and dropping a huge puddle of bodily fluids as he stood up. He did apologize and talked about how he wanted…

For context I'm a Hotel Night Porter/receptionist.

I work 11pm-7am, this evening upon entering the hotel I immediately spotted a homeless looking dude sitting in the lobby accompanied by a foul smell, I clocked in and asked the receptionist what the deal was (We have a pretty strict “if you're not staying here you can't just sit in the lobby” policy, but we do make exceptions if something has happened like a fight or somebody is lost). She tells me that he's been sat there for hours and I go get changed, come up and ask him to leave.

As soon as he stood up the stench, oh god, the stench absolutely overpowered the lobby, this dude shit and pissed himself, ruining one of the chairs in the lobby and dropping a huge puddle of bodily fluids as he stood up.

He did apologize and talked about how he wanted to ask if he could use the toilet but knows how some places won't let him (Honestly felt pretty sad watching him fumble over his words trying to explain himself while he was clearly embarrassed)
He mentioned that he had some extra clothes so I told him he can use the toilet to get cleaned up, but that he will have to leave and sure enough he does.

Now recall my context, I'm the night guy at the hotel, when I'm starting my shift is when everybody else is about to go home and I become the only member of staff in the building through the night.
Well call me pissy but I was incredibly angry at my workmate who was working the bar, served him water (thats totally fine) but then even after noticing a smell didn't think to look into it, let alone ask this dude if he's staying at the hotel and if not that he has to leave.
I asked him what time this was and he said about 9:30 when our restaurant closes, so this guy has been sitting in his own piss and shit for an hour and a half and NOBODY did anything.

I had to walk into the hotel, escort the guy out then clean his piss and shit off the floor while everyone else is giggling like a fucking schoolgirl while leaving.

It's been 6 hours since I started my shift and I'm still angry as hell. Sorry for bad formatting grammar isn't my strong suit.

Just wanted to vent

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