
Had to fly to another state and take a week off for a family emergency, Work is giving me a lot of grief. What should I do?

I've been with this company for a year and a half and have taken one day off since I started. My BIL was in an accident where he broke his neck and nearly drowned in a pool. He may never walk again, he is still on a ventilator, it's bad.. we got the news this past Wednesday, My work went on vacation this past weekend (small father and son family owned company) so I had Fri-mon off. I told them what was going on and we booked our flight that Thursday night (after I got off work) during my shift that Thursday my boss told me I “better be back Tuesday” he said it in a threatening way, like there would be consequences if I wasn't back by then. I told him I don't know what is going to happen but I will try. He was not happy with that…

I've been with this company for a year and a half and have taken one day off since I started. My BIL was in an accident where he broke his neck and nearly drowned in a pool. He may never walk again, he is still on a ventilator, it's bad..

we got the news this past Wednesday, My work went on vacation this past weekend (small father and son family owned company) so I had Fri-mon off. I told them what was going on and we booked our flight that Thursday night (after I got off work) during my shift that Thursday my boss told me I “better be back Tuesday” he said it in a threatening way, like there would be consequences if I wasn't back by then. I told him I don't know what is going to happen but I will try. He was not happy with that response.

I texted him that Saturday giving him an update on bil and that I would be back on the 7th. (I planned to be back Tuesday, before he threatened my job) He texted back he needed me back on Tuesday. I ignored the message. He texted again today asking if I got his message and about my plans for work this week. Now they're calling me asking me to call back.

They cut our hours to go on there 4th vacation this year. They are barley working us more than 30 hrs a week in the peak of summer (I work in tree care)

They clearly lack a moral compass. My step brother of ten years died last month and they didn't allow me bereavement days. I notified them and that's all that matters, there are other jobs out there for me. My question is how do I tell them I will be back on the 7th in a professional and polite way? I am not worried about being let go but I would like to not burn any bridges as this is my first tree care job I've had and I am at the beginning of my career. If this isn't the right sub for this lmk and I will post somewhere else.

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