
Had to play my boss to get my paycheck

Long story short. There was a robbery at work and I was forced by HR to accept the blame because the robbery took place AFTER MY SHIFT. In the next two months, $150 deductions were made from my salary. I decided to start looking somewhere else. I found another job and turned in my notice. My boss informed the accounts department to withhold my paycheck. I decided to lie to my boss and told him I rejected the other offer. He then decided to release my paycheck. As soon as I got it, it was toodles. Now he is all angry and upset, throwing all sorts of accusations. I don't really give an F about all that. I'm just sad I had to lie to get a paycheck that I worked hard for. Was even doing three people's work for the past month! There's a whole lot of shitty employers…

Long story short. There was a robbery at work and I was forced by HR to accept the blame because the robbery took place AFTER MY SHIFT. In the next two months, $150 deductions were made from my salary. I decided to start looking somewhere else. I found another job and turned in my notice. My boss informed the accounts department to withhold my paycheck. I decided to lie to my boss and told him I rejected the other offer. He then decided to release my paycheck. As soon as I got it, it was toodles. Now he is all angry and upset, throwing all sorts of accusations.

I don't really give an F about all that. I'm just sad I had to lie to get a paycheck that I worked hard for. Was even doing three people's work for the past month! There's a whole lot of shitty employers out there!

Just felt like venting. Anyway, I hope y'all are having a great day

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