
Half rant, half question.

I work for a well known tire shop chain and am one of the after hours people. My boss is cool my coworkers are cool but this after-hours shit is getting to me hardcore. We alternate weeks between 2-3 of us but the problem is we only get paid when the phone rings for a call (3hrs. guaranteed sounds good right? Not when it equates to less than $100 after deductions and the tax man stealing his undeserved cut.) Outside of that we get paid jack shit. For the whole week we are expected to not make major plans, not leave town and stay basically sober as a nun, all for the slight chance of the phone waking us up at 3am. And being paid nothing extra for it. Am I being fucked over or is this the unfortunate norm for this line of work? Live in Canada for reference…

I work for a well known tire shop chain and am one of the after hours people. My boss is cool my coworkers are cool but this after-hours shit is getting to me hardcore. We alternate weeks between 2-3 of us but the problem is we only get paid when the phone rings for a call (3hrs. guaranteed sounds good right? Not when it equates to less than $100 after deductions and the tax man stealing his undeserved cut.) Outside of that we get paid jack shit. For the whole week we are expected to not make major plans, not leave town and stay basically sober as a nun, all for the slight chance of the phone waking us up at 3am. And being paid nothing extra for it. Am I being fucked over or is this the unfortunate norm for this line of work? Live in Canada for reference but want to hear your take regardless.

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