
Hanging In There

I have been holding back the desire to quit since I joined this company. From my previous posts, the problem is my boss. He's a terrible man and every day I put up with belittling and outrageous expectations. Thankfully the sexual harassment has stopped after I threatened him. My job includes hefty end of year bonuses from profit sharing and that's my finish line at this point. I am told to expect it around February by my coworkers that have already been here a few years. I would quit before the bonus, just to save my mental health, but I've already suffered almost a year and feel I might as well make it valuable. My job is 8 am to 6 pm ON PAPER. Really it is 24 hour on call and I work overtime about 3 days a week, except with no overtime pay because the incentive is that…

I have been holding back the desire to quit since I joined this company. From my previous posts, the problem is my boss. He's a terrible man and every day I put up with belittling and outrageous expectations. Thankfully the sexual harassment has stopped after I threatened him. My job includes hefty end of year bonuses from profit sharing and that's my finish line at this point. I am told to expect it around February by my coworkers that have already been here a few years. I would quit before the bonus, just to save my mental health, but I've already suffered almost a year and feel I might as well make it valuable. My job is 8 am to 6 pm ON PAPER. Really it is 24 hour on call and I work overtime about 3 days a week, except with no overtime pay because the incentive is that fucking bonus. I live an hour commute away so days I leave at 8 I won't be home until 9 if I am lucky. I have no work life balance. I've worked the last two weekends WHILE MOVING MY APARTMENT. My entire social circle is worried about me because I'm quite obviously depressed and suicidal and the entire reason is this stupid job. The real kicker is I've cut my expenses in half with this new move and could easily find a job to tide me over if I were to just quit, knowing that now makes it all the harder to stay. But with holidays coming up anyway, it should go faster…I hope.

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