

I just need to share a story. A short while ago, a great friend of mine incorrectly thought she had her student loans forgiven. Now, obviously there's a pause (and it turned out they were transferred anyway, but whatever). The facts of the matter aren't what I want to focus on. I watched her de-age five years, smile like she'd never smiled before, and be… happy. Relaxed. Actually free, and clear, and… She was happy. We were all happy. Just for a little while, our poor little friend group was so happy we could cry. And they don't care. None of them fucking care. The Supreme Court, the Senate, Congress, none of them give a fuck. And I've known that for a long while, I do. But that was the greatest example I've ever encountered in my personal life. The Powers That Be could just make so many lives better……

I just need to share a story. A short while ago, a great friend of mine incorrectly thought she had her student loans forgiven. Now, obviously there's a pause (and it turned out they were transferred anyway, but whatever). The facts of the matter aren't what I want to focus on.

I watched her de-age five years, smile like she'd never smiled before, and be… happy. Relaxed. Actually free, and clear, and…

She was happy.

We were all happy.

Just for a little while, our poor little friend group was so happy we could cry.

And they don't care.

None of them fucking care.

The Supreme Court, the Senate, Congress, none of them give a fuck.

And I've known that for a long while, I do.

But that was the greatest example I've ever encountered in my personal life.

The Powers That Be could just make so many lives better… and elect not to, out of apathy or cruelty or skewed priorities or bizarre, antiquated morals…

It makes me angry.

It makes me so fucking angry.

So many people in my life, if I tried to explain why I'm angry, they'd just… not quite click with it.


What's a miracle to one of us is something completely unnoticable to one of Them.

We fight for happiness, brothers and sisters. We fight for survival, and for happiness.

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