
Harass me while I’m working? Don’t complain when I give it back.

This happened over a decade ago but my husband was laughing about it this morning and told me to post it here. Back in 2012 I worked at a photography studio as a favor to a friend. I needed some extra cash during the slow season and he needed someone to be front of house. Friend/Boss was big in the community chamber of commerce so a lot of fellow business owners would stop by to hang out and hobnob. On my second day of work, the older man across the street – who was a big Chamber member – came over to chat with my boss. While I was filing some things he reached over and brushed his fingers along the bottom of my hair, touching my neck, saying. “Wow, that's a weird hair color!” and trust me, his tone was awful. I've had an alternative appearance for most of…

This happened over a decade ago but my husband was laughing about it this morning and told me to post it here.

Back in 2012 I worked at a photography studio as a favor to a friend. I needed some extra cash during the slow season and he needed someone to be front of house. Friend/Boss was big in the community chamber of commerce so a lot of fellow business owners would stop by to hang out and hobnob.

On my second day of work, the older man across the street – who was a big Chamber member – came over to chat with my boss. While I was filing some things he reached over and brushed his fingers along the bottom of my hair, touching my neck, saying. “Wow, that's a weird hair color!” and trust me, his tone was awful.

I've had an alternative appearance for most of my life so at the time, my hair was green and I'm used to all kinds of nasty (and lovely!) comments but touching me? No. Hell no. You keep your hands to yourself unless you want a teaching moment.
So I turned around, hauled back, and slapped him right across the face with a “DID YOU JUST TOUCH ME?” and I swear, he just sputtered in disbelief for about 15 seconds and my friend did not know what to do.

Well, old man called the cops. But since he's known around town for pulling stunts like this with other women, and since he did touch me, they were like “well, old man what do you want us to do?” He was screaming like a banshee to them and I was calm, just telling them that “I was touched without my permission and felt unsafe.”

I kept my job. My friend was both amused and a little upset and I did apologize to him but he knows me well so none of this was surprising.

It's one of my favorite stories to tell because I don't know anyone else who slapped someone on their second day of work and kept their job. Sixteen months later old man sold his store and moved to Texas but he never came by the photography studio again. Ha.

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