
Harassment fiasco

So a few months ago after starting a new restaurant job (which I am now no longer working at), I had an incident where one of the bartenders was being sexually harassed and asked uncomfortable questions about her sex life by two very drunk regulars. I was walking past with a kids menu and overheard the conversation, and thought it would be a funny, lighthearted, and indirect way to stop them by offering them one of the kids menus in a way that was intended to make it clear that they were being childish and needed to stop. Instead, they turned their attention to me and started calling me “hot” and some other things, which I wasn’t expecting. I had expected a sense of humour and some decency from everyone involved. The server who was originally being harassed then turned to me and yelled at me in front of the…

So a few months ago after starting a new restaurant job (which I am now no longer working at), I had an incident where one of the bartenders was being sexually harassed and asked uncomfortable questions about her sex life by two very drunk regulars. I was walking past with a kids menu and overheard the conversation, and thought it would be a funny, lighthearted, and indirect way to stop them by offering them one of the kids menus in a way that was intended to make it clear that they were being childish and needed to stop. Instead, they turned their attention to me and started calling me “hot” and some other things, which I wasn’t expecting. I had expected a sense of humour and some decency from everyone involved. The server who was originally being harassed then turned to me and yelled at me in front of the restaurant for behaving inappropriately in the workplace. I told her it was intended to be a joke, but she did not take the experience well. Nothing was said to the two drunk middle aged men by anyone about this incident, and they continued to come in every day after that. I don’t know if she thought I was trying to “steal” her regulars, or embarrass her in some way, but I later got fired over trying to be open with my coworkers about the fact that I’m intuitive, because the managers thought I was some creep reading into everyone’s personal information. Never been hated by so many people in one place before, as I’m usually a pretty well-liked person and I try to treat everyone with respect and care. There were a lot of weird things going on in that workplace, and the other girl involved in the above scenario was the first of only two people who found my social media and followed me after I got fired, the second of which was another male server who the regulars were asking about when it came to her sex life. He (the male server) proceeded to verbally abuse and sexually harass me over everything I posted despite being mostly nice in person, and I later sent the girl a message apologizing and explaining what had happened during that incident because I felt bad about it, with no reply. That was probably the most bizarre workplace dynamic I’ve ever seen, and I am still astonished at how two-faced these people were and are. I’m simply amazed.

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