
Harassment from HR?

I work security at a cannabis company, HR doesn’t want security to form any type of relationships with the other employees at the company, this is NOT in the handbook at all. I have started seeing an employee that is in a different position. Mind you I have seen 4 different pairs of the management team get into relationships with people in their own department. I went and had lunch with them while I was on vacation. Apparently that’s a big no no, even though I have watched my boss come in on his vacation to shoot the shit with someone for hours multiple times. I was thrown off site and have been doing the transport side of security as a punishment. Transport gets no breaks at all and works 12-16 hr days. Both of us are being watched because of our relationship. This last Friday I was on site…

I work security at a cannabis company, HR doesn’t want security to form any type of relationships with the other employees at the company, this is NOT in the handbook at all. I have started seeing an employee that is in a different position. Mind you I have seen 4 different pairs of the management team get into relationships with people in their own department.
I went and had lunch with them while I was on vacation. Apparently that’s a big no no, even though I have watched my boss come in on his vacation to shoot the shit with someone for hours multiple times. I was thrown off site and have been doing the transport side of security as a punishment. Transport gets no breaks at all and works 12-16 hr days. Both of us are being watched because of our relationship.
This last Friday I was on site and decided to take a little break and sit down and talked to them for 5 mins while they were on break. Security doesn’t get 15’s ( this has been stated multiple times by my boss )so I take 5 mins here and there to sit and smoke. Hell we just recently got a 30 min lunch due to having enough people on site now. Like since July.
HR called my boss and informed them that I was sitting talking to them. My boss sent me a text stating: “ I just got called by HR about you hanging with them. That needs to stop now. “
Should I go seek legal counsel over all this?

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