
Has anyone else successfully done this?

I hate my job. Classic 9-5 retail management situation. My boss is passive aggressive and I barely make 1,100 a month. Sometimes I only make 800. My bills, for reference, total up to uhhh MORE THAN THAT so I frequently have to ask my partner for help. Recently, people who have left the country (USA) for a better and more satisfying life have been popping up all over the place on my social media. I envy them, badly. And I’m wondering if anyone has “escaped the machine” successfully? I swear I just need ONE story to restore my faith that this isn’t all my life is going to be. I’m so incredibly burnt out and I’m realizing it as I approach my mid 20s that this life is NOT for me. I don’t want to be rich by any means, just comfortable and able to be happy.

I hate my job. Classic 9-5 retail management situation. My boss is passive aggressive and I barely make 1,100 a month. Sometimes I only make 800. My bills, for reference, total up to uhhh MORE THAN THAT so I frequently have to ask my partner for help.

Recently, people who have left the country (USA) for a better and more satisfying life have been popping up all over the place on my social media. I envy them, badly. And I’m wondering if anyone has “escaped the machine” successfully? I swear I just need ONE story to restore my faith that this isn’t all my life is going to be.

I’m so incredibly burnt out and I’m realizing it as I approach my mid 20s that this life is NOT for me. I don’t want to be rich by any means, just comfortable and able to be happy.

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