
Has anyone forced their company to fire them by pitching up and not doing any work?

I read a post recently about someone who planned to quit on a Friday with no notice. It got me fantasising, obviously, because I'd love to do the same. Then I wondered about collecting unemployment and how is better to be fired than quit, and (warning: bit of a ramble upcoming) how my high school boyfriend was too chicken shit to break up with me so he became an utter a-hole so that I would break up with him, making me the bad guy (I don't know why that thought entered this train ride, but anyhoo). Naturally, that got me thinking about the boss being the bad guy, and whether anyone forced their company to fire them by pitching up to work and either being a deliberate a-hole, or just not going their work, until they got fired? How long did it take them to fire you? Was there any…

I read a post recently about someone who planned to quit on a Friday with no notice. It got me fantasising, obviously, because I'd love to do the same.

Then I wondered about collecting unemployment and how is better to be fired than quit, and (warning: bit of a ramble upcoming) how my high school boyfriend was too chicken shit to break up with me so he became an utter a-hole so that I would break up with him, making me the bad guy (I don't know why that thought entered this train ride, but anyhoo). Naturally, that got me thinking about the boss being the bad guy, and whether anyone forced their company to fire them by pitching up to work and either being a deliberate a-hole, or just not going their work, until they got fired?

How long did it take them to fire you? Was there any fallout?

Tell me the juicy details…

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