
Has anyone joined Americorps? DONT!

I joined Americorps to gain experience in public health. To my dismay, I learned that most of the employees (members) hold master's degrees in public health and cannot gain employment. So they work here t put their loans on hold. I am 4 months in and have yet to find my job description. I have done nothing, simply because my team lead will not delegate. I know this company runs on grants but I make about 6 bucks an hour and the CEO banks 1,300,000! Hmmm.. This company has a lot of nerve to bring up the word poverty. I attended a meeting a few days ago and the theme was how to use Zoom and email. I have been in research long enough to know they need people on their logs to get money. Thats really all this is. My lender does not even recognize this organization so what…

I joined Americorps to gain experience in public health. To my dismay, I learned that most of the employees (members) hold master's degrees in public health and cannot gain employment. So they work here t put their loans on hold. I am 4 months in and have yet to find my job description. I have done nothing, simply because my team lead will not delegate. I know this company runs on grants but I make about 6 bucks an hour and the CEO banks 1,300,000! Hmmm.. This company has a lot of nerve to bring up the word poverty. I attended a meeting a few days ago and the theme was how to use Zoom and email. I have been in research long enough to know they need people on their logs to get money. Thats really all this is. My lender does not even recognize this organization so what is the point. If your thinking about this experience, trust me, you will gain more from working in a regular work environment where you can connect with individuals and network. This is a pointless scam!

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