
Has reporting your management ever been worth your time?

I work in a hospital, already started looking for/applying for new positions. Our floor management and director are so openly sexist, racist, gaslighting, even using staffs home life as part of their gaslighting. Just one example is: we should learn to be more empathic to our sexually harassing verbally and physically abusive patients and we should really think about what the patient is going through before we think about how it affected us….. Things that a 10-year-old could see probably shouldn't be said out loud. *these patients are not mental health, dementia, yadah yadah, these are alert and oriented grown adults who know very much what they are saying and doing* I've looked into reporting it to OSHA. Thought about going to HR. Kept all my emails and documents of events. Has anyone ever gotten anywhere by reporting? I know the hospital is a greed machine and I really don't…

I work in a hospital, already started looking for/applying for new positions.

Our floor management and director are so openly sexist, racist, gaslighting, even using staffs home life as part of their gaslighting. Just one example is: we should learn to be more empathic to our sexually harassing verbally and physically abusive patients and we should really think about what the patient is going through before we think about how it affected us….. Things that a 10-year-old could see probably shouldn't be said out loud. *these patients are not mental health, dementia, yadah yadah, these are alert and oriented grown adults who know very much what they are saying and doing*

I've looked into reporting it to OSHA. Thought about going to HR. Kept all my emails and documents of events.

Has anyone ever gotten anywhere by reporting? I know the hospital is a greed machine and I really don't want to waste my time. One thing I've come to realize over the past few years is sometimes ignorance is bliss. I wonder if it might just be best to not experience 1st hand once again how meaningless employees are.

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