
Hate being guilt tripped for something that isn’t my fault

I was scheduled to work 3-7 today. About an hour into my shift my supervisor asks if I can stay until 8 because they didn’t schedule enough people for closing. I was already exhausted but I am a people pleaser and said yes very hesitantly. I get a text from my mom saying she’s in town and is coming over and is gonna leave around 8. I don’t get to see my mom a lot and didn’t want to miss her. 30 minutes after I was asked to say I go to my boss and apologize saying I can’t because of exhaustion as well as the thing with my mom. She wasn’t mad but I could tell she was disappointed and I feel bad but also it’s not my problem and they shouldn’t rely on one person to fill the gaps in the schedule, someone else should’ve already been scheduled.…

I was scheduled to work 3-7 today. About an hour into my shift my supervisor asks if I can stay until 8 because they didn’t schedule enough people for closing. I was already exhausted but I am a people pleaser and said yes very hesitantly. I get a text from my mom saying she’s in town and is coming over and is gonna leave around 8. I don’t get to see my mom a lot and didn’t want to miss her. 30 minutes after I was asked to say I go to my boss and apologize saying I can’t because of exhaustion as well as the thing with my mom. She wasn’t mad but I could tell she was disappointed and I feel bad but also it’s not my problem and they shouldn’t rely on one person to fill the gaps in the schedule, someone else should’ve already been scheduled. This happens a lot where I feel guilty for not staying late.

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